What are the prerequisites and conditions for integrating DCG?

Perhaps you are one of thousands of 12th grade students of French, which will this year choose their post-graduate orientation. For some of you, the decision is already made: it will be an accounting. Some nourish the dream of becoming an accountant and so have naturally opted for training in preparation for DCG, the Accounting and Management Diploma so popular with recruiters. But the admission requirements are certainly a bit blurry. One point is required.

First, rest assured, there are no specific prerequisites to prepare the DCG. We tend to say that the holders of Bac STG (Sciences and Technologies Management) are better equipped than others to tackle these studies. Certainly, they already have knowledge in accounting and management, but the Bac S and ES are also able to integrate training in DCG. Finally, the only requirement needed is a great interest in the figures, the finances and running a business mechanisms.

Admission conditions,vary from one training institution to another. There is hardly a condition on which they do not deal: you have a baccalaureate. This rule applies to everyone, even to career transition in assets that have chosen to follow the correspondence accounting course. Schools and other organizations then watch the first notes and final year high school students, sometimes require a cover letter, and in some cases organize an interview.

Generally, we start training at DCG in the first year of study. But it is possible, under certain conditions, direct access to the second year. This is the case of a DUT GEA (Business and Management), a BTS CGO (Accounting and Management Organizations) or a BA in Economics and Management 2.
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