Importance of Financial Management for the Enterprise

Financial management and treasury is able to analyze and support business decision making in the areas of investment, financing and profitability. with ability to perform in the areas of accounting, costs, budgets, planning, treasury and portfolio charges, coordinator, analyst and financial adviser assistant.

Importance of Financial Management for the Enterprise

Financial management is closely related to decisions regarding the size and composition of assets, the level and structure of the financing and dividend policy focusing on two primary factors such as profit maximization and maximization of wealth for achieve these goals one of the most used tools for financial management is to be truly effective management control, which guarantees a high degree achieving the goals set by the creators, managers and implementer of the financial plan.

Its importance lies in the sense of control of all operations, decision-making, in the pursuit of new sources of funding to maintain the effectiveness and operational efficiency, reliability of financial reporting and compliance with laws and regulations.
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