ERP Implementation progress in recent days

First of all, thanks for coordinating between Business users and the implementation team. There has been a very good progress in getting some of the pending tasks completed in the last few days. There are some additional information that needs to be completed in the next couple of days. I will request you to forward the following requests to the respective departments so that they can complete them in the next couple of days and forward to us :

A) Finance

1. Customer Master post the corrections

2. Item Standard Cost

3. Resource standard Cost

4. GL Trial Balance Mapping

5. Fixed Asset Register

6. Financial Statements mapping as per the new COA

7. Plant Budget as per the new cost centers

8. Categorization of manufacturing expense accounts into fixed and variable

9. Responsibility matrix

10. Item Master - Classification of items by line of business, Classification of items for VAT (Vatable,VAT Exempt etc.)

B) Supply Chain Management

1. Approved Supplier List

2. Report parameters for all the formats and day1 reports.

3. Item master status.


1. Status for Responsibility matrix as per the latest template agreed upon.

2. Status of Data master update for Agro and Pharma, and issues faced by them.

3. Status of UAT test scripts for Agro.

4. The changes in formula UOM as agreed upon

D) HR & Payroll

1. Position Data

2. Income Tax Calculation Logic

3. Sales Hierarchy List

If you have any queries, please let me know.
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