The bankruptcy proceedings are reduced by 22% in the first quarter

The number of bankruptcy proceedings fell by 22% between January and April 2016 compared to the same period last year, a development which is attributed to increased preconcursos and court settlements, while business solutions rose 4% .

This follows from the 'Study on Contests and Solutions' by the company Informa D & B, which stands at 1,572 bankruptcy proceedings occurred during the first quarter of this year and 10,004 solutions.

Specifically, companies in bankruptcy add 11,192 workers and billed about 1,900 million euros per year, 31% less than those that were affected by this situation between January and April 2015. Meanwhile, the solutions reverberated in 34,704 people and a turnover of 9,300 million euros, above the 6.600 billion euros last year.

Month of April

Only in April, Informa D & B number in 355 contests creditors, 25% less than in the same month last year and the lowest figure of the whole exercise. According to the Director of Studies of Informa D & B, Nathalie Gianese, this development "can partly be explained by the increase precursors processes and extra-judicial agreements, which are not listed in the bankruptcy statistics." In contrast, the 1,712 solutions represent a 2% more than a year ago.

The study also suggests that micro-enterprises were the most affected by the bankruptcy proceedings in April, representing almost 82% of the total, while small enterprises accounted for about 16% of cases, the median about 2% and large only 0.6%.

By region, Catalonia heads the number of processes both in April (81) as in the first quarter of 2016 (316), although it is also the region that reduces their numbers in absolute value since January, subtracting 117.

It is followed by Valencia (254 in four months and 54 in April) and the Community of Madrid (226 and 46 respectively). Only four communities increased the number of competitions over last year, highlighting the Canary Islands (+39) and Cantabria (+13).

As for solutions, Madrid, Andalusia and Valencia led the quarterly and monthly statistics, processes 2,413, 1,292 and 1,249 closures solutions, respectively. However, the Madrid region was experienced a greater absolute increase (+298) while Catalonia was the biggest decliners solutions (-148).
By sector

As for the different sectors, construction was the most processes had (433) in the first quarter. Along with Trade (344) and business services (198) account for 62% of all competitions, it concentrates 62% of the solutions, con2.552, 2,056 and 1,566 respectively.

The same three sectors were the hardest hit in April, with 108 and 460 solutions contests construction, trade 78 and 355, 46 and 268 and business services.

However, the construction was also the sector that reduced both contests as solutions, 179 and 132 processes less, respectively. In fact, the contests were increased only in the extraction industries (+ 60%) and healthcare (+ 14%) during the first four months of the year, while solutions grew only in Energy (+ 82%) and Administration ( + 50%).
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