The Spanish Parliament claims Homemakers to recognized as real workers

The full European Parliament has demanded on Thursday that people who perform domestic services and home working as carers be recognized as "real" employees, with the recognition and protection that applies to any worker.

Official status for these employees would ensure access to benefits such as sick leave, vacation, pension contributions, as well as being a weapon against undeclared work and labor exploitation.

This has been declared MEPs in a resolution of the Spanish speakers who are Tania González (We can) and Greek Kostadinka Kuneva (Syriza) and has been adopted by the plenary meeting in Brussels.

The text claims the recognition and protection of domestic work as a profession through both national legislation and European.

Also it advocates that Member States adopt and fully implement the Convention 189 of the International Labour Organization, something they have done so far only 22 countries in the world.

According to data presented by the speakers, 88% of workers in the sector are women and one in three is excluded from the protection afforded by national labor legislation.

Among its recommendations, MEPs raise establish "easy to manage models" to frame the legal relationship between the employer and the worker, the image of systems that already exist in countries like Belgium and France.
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