HUU does not worry only with his silver jewelery sharing subscription for change

The Entrepreneur Huu Nguyen Thien from Frankfurt sold under selected silver jewelry for different occasions. The bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces and pendants are designed in Germany and in Asia by goldsmiths at fair conditions - after Fairtrade principle - handmade. But Huu Thien-wants more. He wants his customers regularly seduce to wear new jewelry without having to buy them every time. And he wants to aid projects in developing countries through a portion of sales proceeds - support, but as regularly as possible (5 10%). How does it work? Huu came to the following idea:

Selling trinkets and lending for the monthly subscription - the jewelry Sharing was born. How does it work? Already starting from 15 € per month get the subscribers in the month a certain number of points that will be credited to their accounts. Depending on the piece of jewelry, the corresponding points will be deducted from the account when lending. If the subscriber does not want to part with the jewel, she / he can buy it and simply pay also with existing points. Points can also be additionally charged.

Depending on the fare (there are four subscription pricing models) has the Subscriber following advantages:

Repayment of the loan points when connecting Purchase
Discount when purchasing terminal
Individualization according to customer requirements

To carry out a market test and to be able to start as soon as possible, Huu has set a crowdfunding campaign on on 04 03. The first goal is to win 100 fans, so that the campaign can be "sharp" connected. In the funding round Huu will collect 55,000 EUR. As a "Thanks" get the crowd Funder a jewelry-sharing subscription or purchase jewelry from the existing collection with an equivalent value. And who represents 9,999 EUR available, together with Huu designing a collection that is named after him and jewelry in value of 3000 € and a 30 months free subscription - get super-premium tariff.

This offer is a beautiful example of how you can combine different businesses together: Abo-commerce model, sharing concept, marketing probationary Karma consumption and 3: 1 using (multiple use of a product). Although in this business concept, many elements were combined, it is simple enough that it can not understand and grasp the customer. Now is the time to inspire as many people assume "carry" this offer in the world. That Huu-Thien has earned his living as a sales and marketing consultant and interim manager, the conditions are good.
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