Self competency is the most fundamental of the seven key competencies

25. Perceiving, appraising, and interpreting accurately yourself, others, and the immediate environment is one of the core components of the self competency.

ANS: T  Individual Dynamics

26. KSA stands for knowledge, social, and attitude.


KSA stands for knowledge, skills, and abilities. KSA’s are important to the self competency.

 Individual Dynamics

27. The diversity competency is the most fundamental of the seven key competencies, since its achievement creates the underlying personal attributes needed for successfully developing the other six competencies.


This is the self competency.

28. In general, top-management leadership policies and rules, and the prevailing organizational culture can do much to reduce, guide, and help the individual confront and resolve ethical dilemmas.

ANS: T  Individual Dynamics

29. The self competency is the most fundamental of the seven key competencies, since its achievement creates the underlying personal attributes needed for successfully developing the other six competencies.


30. The communication competency includes the knowledge, skills and abilities to assess your own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life, and engage in new learning--including new or modified skills, behaviors, and attitudes.


This is the definition of the self competency.
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