The key KSAs of the teams competency

86. The teams competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop, support, facilitate, and lead groups to achieve organizational goals.


87. One of the key KSAs of the teams competency is determining the circumstances in which a team approach is appropriate and, if using a team is appropriate, the type of team to use.

88. One of the key KSAs of the teams competency is demonstrating that each individual is accountable for his/her responsibilities only, to achieve team goals.

89. One of the key KSAs of the teams competency is resolving personal and task-related conflicts among team members before they become too disruptive.


90. In the Teams Competency: Grant Reid, President, Mars Drinks, says, “my thought process around leadership used to be that I would make decisions, everyone would come in, I would give them the charter for the day, and they would all run off. Now, I recognize that it’s not about me—it’s about getting the right team together, with the right expertise in that particular area, and getting the best out of that team.


91. In the Teams Competency: Grant Reid, President, Mars Drinks, Grant says that it’s important to set up a lot of teams, even if not all the teams are accomplishing much, because teamwork gets things done.


Grant said, “You can’t keep setting up teams that do nothing, because the first thing that happens is that teams sit down and say, ‘OK, what are we trying to achieve here?’ And if there’s no real goal, each of the team members will want out.

92. The change competency includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and implement needed adaptations or entirely new transformations in the people, tasks, strategies, structures, or technologies in a person's area of responsibility.

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