Key measures of theory of constraints

A constraint is a situational factor which makes the achievement of objectives / throughput more difficult than it would otherwise, for example of constraint may be lack of skilled labour, lack of customer orders, or the need to achieve high quality in product output.

Key measures of theory of constraints:
(i) Throughput contribution: It is the rate at which the system generates profits through sales. It is defined as, sales less completely variable cost, sales – direct are excluded. Labour costs tend to be partially fixed and conferred are excluded normally.
(ii) Investments: This is the sum of material costs of direct materials, inventory, WIP, finished goods inventory, R & D costs and costs of equipment and buildings.
(iii) Other operating costs: This equals all operating costs (other than direct materials) incurred to earn throughput contribution. Other operating costs include salaries and wages, rent, utilities and depreciation.
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