3 main characteristics of self-motivated high achievers in an Organization

42. In McClelland's learned needs model, there are two main characteristics of self-motivated high achievers: (1) they don’t mind tasks in which feedback is not immediate; and (2) they are mostly motivated by financial incentives.


These individuals have three main characteristics: (1) they like to set their own goals; (2) they avoid selecting extremely difficult goals; and (3) they prefer tasks that will provide immediate feedback.

43. In McClelland's learned needs model, the three main characteristics of self-motivated high achievers are: (1) they like to set their own goals; (2) they avoid selecting extremely difficult goals; and (3) they prefer tasks that will provide immediate feedback.


44. High achievers accept credit when they win and but not the blame when they lose.


High achievers accept credit when they win and blame when they lose.

45. The game of golf does not appeal to most high achievers because feedback is not immediate.


The game of golf appeals to most high achievers. Feedback is immediate: it occurs after every shot.

46. McClelland's learned needs model suggests that most people believe they have an “achievement motivation,” but probably only about 30 percent of the U.S. population really does.


McClelland's learned needs model suggests that most people believe they have an “achievement motivation,” but probably only about 10 percent of the U.S. population really does.
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