ERP Data Master Preparation and SOP for End Users


1. I have sent my part of Data Masters earlier. The pending part (ERP Code Mapping with Legacy Code) is not related to me (Costing) and I don't know who will do it.

2. Rates and Data Masters given to you were based on December 31, 2013 and these you can upload in the month of December 2013. But if we actualize costing data/ info once again as on Cut-Off date, before Go Live; I am not sure whether I have to update these Masters based on that date or not. If yes, then New Updated Masters may be uploaded in Cut-Off month.

3. Highlighted matters on:

Page 11 in Training Manual, I recommended to Guide users as to when and how a period may be opened, closed, frozen and impact of never opened status of the period

Page 14 in Training Manual, I recommended to Guide users about the impact if he does not select range To & From

Page 16, if you please add EAM [Engineering Assts Management],SCM [Supply Chain Management],LCM [Landed Cost Management],OM [Order Management] in addition to mentioned sub-ledgers.

Page 17 you said "Keep blank" but blank can not be kept

Page 19 you have added a screenshot which looks Resource Cost view and not a part of Resource Cost Update Program

We can add how common costs as mentioned in Page 46, are/will be allocated ETC.

4. PB3 Accounts will be all natural expense/revenue accounts mentioned in COA (Chart of Accounts finalization will be done by Finance in association with KPMG)

5. Active/Direct Mfg Cost Centers are given and I hope all these Cost Centers will cover KGF-2 also, Center Codes will be available from Finance ; I could not update for Oncology,API Process Plant as Data Masters are not available yet.
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