Latest Chart of Accounts for the ERP Project and some decisions

Good Morning. Please find attached Latest Chart of Accounts. As we discussed please update the Code rules accordingly

Please find attached the COA with correct coding and updated as per the UAT.

As discussed please incorporate this in the Budget account code segments, Trial Balance and Year End financial statement mapping.

Please find the COA for Manufacturing Cost Center.

Training is almost complete for all the modules. Today we will be completing the training for Depot modules as well. I can already see the enthusiasm among all the stakeholders to test all the different scenarios in UAT.

In order to streamline the UAT testing phase, I am suggesting the following:

1. Please note down all your issues on daily basis in the ‘Open Issue Register’ attached.

2. IT will compile the files on daily basis and send it to KPMG team

3. We will fix up a specific time slot every day where KPMG & Renata team will sit together and review / resolve the issues.

Please forward this open issue register to all the concerned stakeholders.

This is the final OPM Cost Data Master as per updated General Data Master by Production Department yesterday. Please send me the UAT scenario file as you shown and Navigation path for PQ scenarios.

Thanks, shall update them. I am assuming that the files for the other plants have not undergone a change.

Also, PFA the indicative navigation for the Costing Scenarios
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