Developing Procurement System in ERP-Implementation Guide

Please review the Block list, CS report approach and process discussed during Procurement Training session and confirm.

We had good discussion on below 2 points and approach to handle these scenarios in Oracle and outcome is as follows:

1. Block List Report – Depending upon the new Block list format shared, we will follow below steps in system to facilitate ‘Block List’ generation from Oracle.

· Create Blanket Purchase agreement in the name of ‘Regulatory Authority’.

· Capture internal block list number in the blanket agreement header. Capture item details for each item with corresponding supplier details (Supplier Name and Price) in the Item line DFF – additional information. If there are multiple suppliers for the same item, we will add additional lines for the same item but with different supplier details (Supplier Name and Price) in the DFF. Enter the same quantity for the same item for different suppliers. This quantity will be printed on the block list. Other details like Corresponding Finish good produced will be captured in DFF. Other details like (Quantity of finish good produced last year, quantity imported last year will be captured through query programmatically.

· This arrangement is only for getting the ‘Block List’ to be produced to the ‘Regulatory Authority’.

· System will generate ‘Block List’ based on this information and will be sent to Regulatory authority for approval.

· Regulatory authority will approve the quantity. Blanket agreements will be created for different suppliers based on the quantity to be procured from individual suppliers. The material quantity will be procured from these suppliers over the period of time against the Blanket Agreement in the form of ‘ Release PO’

2. CS Report – Complete floe from Requisition to creation of CS report and CS approval.

· Create RFQ from requisition and select different suppliers/ Agents.

· Float RFQ to different suppliers / Agents.

· Receive the quotations from suppliers / Agents and enter quotations received from different suppliers.

· Item Specifications like (Size, Board, Shape, color and other specifications will be captured as part of QA specifications

· CS sheet will be generated item specific. (one CS Sheet for one item and corresponding participant – Supplier details (Unit of measure, Price will be captured from entered quotation.

· CS approval will be carried out by discussion with OSD / Marketing/ quality /Finance stakeholders with CEO approval.

· 2-3 or more suppliers will be approved from CS report and will be used for procurement. Standard PO / Blanket PO will be created as per requirement whenever required.

· All the process steps remains same as per ‘To Be process’

Let me know in case of clarifications. We will follow this process going forward.
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