Distinction between PERT and CPM.

Distinction between PERT and CPM: The PERT and CPM models are similar in terms of their basic structure, rationale and mode of analysis. However, there are certain distinctions between PERT and CPM networks which are enumerated below:
(1) CPM is activity oriented i.e. CPM network is built on the basis of activities. Also results of various calculations are considered in terms of activities of the project. On the other hand, PERT is even oriented.
(2) CPM is a deterministic model i.e. it does not take into account the uncertainties involved in the estimation of time for execution of a job or an activity. It completely ignores the probabilistic element of the problem. PERT, however, is a probabilistic model. It uses three estimates of the activity time; optimistic, pessimistic and most likely, with a view to take into account time uncertainty. Thus, the expected duration for each activity is probabilistic and expected duration indicates that there is fifty per probability of getting the job done within that time.
(3) CPM laces dual emphasis on time and cost and evaluates the trade-off between project cost and project item. By deploying additional resources, it allows the critical path project manager to manipulate project duration within certain limits so that project duration can be shortened at an optimal cost. On the other hand, PERT is primarily concerned with time. It helps the manger to schedule and coordinate various activities so that the project can be completed on scheduled time.
(4) CPM is commonly used for those projects which are repetitive in nature and where one has prior experience of handling similar projects. PERT is generally used for those projects where time required to complete various activities are not known as prior. Thus, PERT is widely used for planning and scheduling research and development project.
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