User friendly List of Values (LOV) in ERP System

Thank you for the data provided.

Ø Just to confirm that this needs to be uploaded in the APR-14 period.

Ø ERP codes are required to configure the same in the system, which is currently missing in all the templates.

Could you please discuss with HR Super Users regarding my confusions marked in the attached file.

Based on my discussion with Costing, it has some queries regd. the HR orgs. Request you to please review the attached sheet.

Attached herewith is the feedback we had given to KPMG HR Consultant, regarding the queries you had.

Please let me know if you are aware of them, and let me know if any further clarification is required or any changes is required about the Plant Section.

Yes! I got this reply from KPMG HR Consultant too. Actually, my intention was not to get clarified on this issue but to make the ERP system sufficient and user friendly. I feel, Nomenclature of List of Values, Labels of the COA (Chart of Accounts), Inventory Org, LOB (Line of Business)etc. should be user friendly upto the possible extent so that the End-user can readily and easily understand even before entering into the system console. I prescribed KPMG HR Consultant to re-think of this.

Who will understand locations for these 1,2,3,4,5 etc. before entering into the system!

For Example, you have splitted Engineering Department on Plant Level.

Will we be able to segregate all engineering maintenance resources plant-wise?

Was it prescribed by the Head of Engineering?

Where is Head Office engineering and how we will book a cost if Dept is missing?

For Example, I did not see Washing Plant anywhere!

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