There are no simple rules for making ethical decisions

25. In some situations, there are no simple rules for making ethical decisions.

ANS: T  Leadership Principles

26. The five key components that comprise the basics of ethical decision making include ethical intensity, ethics-based principles, concern for affected individuals, benefits and costs, and determination of rights.

Leadership Principles

27. Magnitude of consequences is the degree of moral importance given to an issue.


Ethical intensity is the degree of moral importance given to an issue.

 Leadership Principles
28. Magnitude of consequences is the harm or benefits accruing to individuals affected by a decision or behavior.

ANS: T Leadership Principles

29. Probability of effect is the likelihood that if a decision is implemented it will lead to the harm or benefit predicted.

 Leadership Principles

30. Open opinion is the amount of public agreement that a proposed decision is bad or good.


Social consensus is the amount of public agreement that a proposed decision is bad or good.

 Leadership Principles
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