Four levels at which conflict can occur in organizations

Conflict can occur at four different levels within organizations: 
  1. intrapersonal, 
  2. interpersonal, 
  3. intragroup, and 
  4. intergroup. 
Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual and often involves some form of goal, cognitive, or affective conflict. Examples include approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, and approach-avoidance conflicts. 
Interpersonal conflict occurs when two or more individuals perceive that their attitudes, behaviors, or preferred goals are in opposition. Examples include role conflict (intrasender, intersender, interrole, and person-role) and role ambiguity. 
Intragroup conflict refers to disputes among some or all of a group's members, which often affect the group's dynamics and effectiveness. An example would be conflicts among members of a family in a family-run business. 
Intergroup conflict refers to opposition, disagreements, and disputes between groups or teams. Examples include vertical conflict, horizontal conflict, line-staff conflict, and diversity-based conflict.
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